Welcome to the Equator!
São Tomé e Príncipe: these two islands raise from the warm Atlantic Ocean. Dense tropical forests cover the country, interrupted by occasional plantation villages, volcanic mountains and lonesome beaches. Raw cocoa, organic coffee, wild pepper, Jackfruit and Osami seeds – what a beautiful place to showcast to the world.
And to London, Berlin, Lisbon!
Extractdesign created a complete communications strategy to promote São Tomé e Príncipe on international trade fairs, starting with WTM London. We created a completely green and natural stand, showing the country as a source of tranquility, both within the trade fairs as well as in general. Our design was furteron implemented in Berlin’s ITB fair and adapted to Lisbon’s BTL fair. With a very reduced budget, São Tomé e Príncipe gained international reputation, plus two awards for their trade fair communication.
With all the info needed.
In order to raise awareness as well as to respond to tourist’s need of being secure and informed, we created a variety of information materials for all levels. Extractdesign produced a completely new website giving a feeling for the country as well as clear info. We also produced the country’s most comprehensive map (printed on water- and crack-proof paper, so you can take it hiking). We produced brochures, press-kits and designed an airport info office (in the shape of a beach bar – so your first impression after a long flight will be: Ooh yeah!)
Plus, the new country branding.
In order to put all communication under one umbrella, Extractdesign created the country’s tourism branding, including logo, signage, corporate design, advertising the corresponding visual identity manual. The logo again is showing São Tomé e Príncipe as what it is: an island of pure nature, created out of forest, turtles, whales, parrots and the defining traditional Roça planatation houses.
Copyright: Extract Associated Designers, Tourism Board of São Tomé e Príncipe